Provera Again - then Round 1 of Clomid!

Tiffany • 35 years old w/PCOS. Conceived a girl (born Jan. ‘17) on Clomid. Second girl born Oct. ‘20 on Fermara. Now pregnant naturally with baby #3
My doctor finally got back to me.  
After referring with the Fertility Specialist, they decided they want to start me out on Clomid.  I was really leaning more for the Femara, but the specialists was insisting I start with the Clomid.  So I guess we will give it a shot.
I will be going in on Monday for a pregnancy test to confirm that I can take the meds.  
Of course since I don't start my period on my own, I will have to have it induced with Provera.  Cycle day 5-9 I will take 50mg of Clomid.
I asked about Metformin - she says the specialist doesn't think I will have a problem ovulating on the Clomid alone.  
If we are not successful getting pregnant in the first round, they will increase my dosage.
I'm excited about this part of the journey - but also scared it won't work, or how long it might take to work, and if it does...will it be a sticky bean?