It's not as easy as it looks!

When my younger sister was pregnant and she walked slow up stairs or slow anywhere or she was slow period. And she was lazy like a bum always just on the sofa never doing anything....I told myself I was not going to be like her and not do anything, not walk slow like her. I'm proud to say I'm still working but today I did find it hard to walk upstairs...😑 
FYI: I've gained 20lbs and am only at 24wks. My ankles are not used to carrying this extra weight. Time to walk even more to strengthen my legs up...I still have 16 more weeks of weight gaining. 😄
Back story my sister was already lazy before she was pregnant but since she's been pregnant she acts like she's disabled and everyone should wait on her hand and foot. She just had her 2nd baby last month. Thank  heavens I moved out before then!