
Ugh so this is just a rant. 
My mother in law thinks that we need to be over at their house like every night if the week !! 
We used to be over there a lot, at least 4  nights a week. 
Well about a month and a half ago we got into it. It was a huge fight that got way out of control and in the end they were really disrespectful. I want an apology but neither my mother or father in law are willing to. 
Well she is a teacher at my sons school and lately she has been going into his classroom during his school time, and I specifically asked over and over that when genus in his classroom that she does not bother him. 
Yesterday at the parent meeting his teacher asked me about this and I told her the same thing, I don't want her in his classroom. 
She agreed. 
Well I saw her in the hallway when I went to pick my son up and I asked her "can you please not go into Daniels classroom during class time. It's distracting and I want him to learn to be independent" she sat there and gave me a list of excuses then said "you know what Kelsey he's going to know that I love him regardless of how you feel about me. You don't bring them over anymore, we never see them so I'm going to see him when I can and there isn't anything you can do about it" ugh I wanted to slap that stupid fucking smug look off her face so bad! It has nothing to do with how I feel about her !!! It has to do with my son and his school !!! 
She is so controlling and she thinks that she is entitled to be in our life every single fucking day ! 
She won't back off!!! 
And then she sits there and turns on the water works in front of my husband saying how "it literally kills her inside because she doesn't ever see the boy and why don't we come over anymore" blah blah blah 
So he gets pissed at me saying I'm hurting his mom! 
What the hell!!!!