Gifts for the children/teens who have everything.πŸŽ„πŸŽπŸŽ

I assume we all know at least one kid who's been given everything. Appreciative or spoiled, what say you about not emphasizing gifts for the kids of others when they have a lot already?

Mini rant ‡

This is something I recieve butthurt about every year. I have 3 *ahem* very privileged *cough* kids in my family alone and I don't go out of my way to get those individuals gifts on holidays or birthdays. If I do, they're small. I'd rather get gifts for my sisters (the parents of these kids) who get 0 time to themselves and take "putting your kids first" to the extreme in my opinion. Does that make sense?

If I do get special gifts for kids they're the ones who don't have much (aka the rest of our familys spawn) but I still don't emphasize it because I know the grandparents, parents and friends are already going to get them a ton of stuff. I'd just feel good getting the adults stuff that means something. For example, you can get grandma a "nana" mug or get her something related to her legitimate personal interests OUTSIDE of being a grandmother. Is that so wrong? Why? What's wrong with keeping in touch with the adult family/friends and getting *them* something cool? Idk. I'm in family all the emphasis is put on the kids and the adults all fight except a few. I'm on neutral grounds and the only one that thinks this way. My aunt even loved her gift last year but still "nicely" implied I sould have got her granddaughter something instead. Then a different chirstmas my BIL had to leave the room because I got him a antique toy he love as a child and he started crying. The man was 54! I haven't seen a child get that feely in years over anything. Yet still. We're pushing getting each kid $200+ worth if crap they don't need a year? Meanwhile, adults barely talk. This came up today my gift for my dad came in the mail and one of my sisters asked what I was getting the kids. Um, I'm getting MY kid something and my friends kid something whos parents can barely afford gas and food.

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