Cervical cysts PLEASE even one answer helps. .please. .

Lalalala • blah

I was diagnosed with cervical cysts. Please if any of had this, can u please share ur experiences. Were u still able to conceive? Am I still ovulating? What did u do about it..

My doc says that there's several ways to deal with it. One being birth control pills (he says they eliminate the cysts and help regulate AF) he also told me sometimes, they go away on their own. my cycles have been all over the place last 4 months. And for 20 years I've had on the clock 28 days cycles. Last 4 months they started getting longer and weirder. From 28 days to 32, to 35, 39 and now I was due AF on the 9thh. Making this month the longest cycle ever at 43 days ( so far)

Blood test negative. Symptoms huge boobs! I'm usually a 34 b, right now in 34c AT LEAST. Cramping and lower tummy rublmling (it's not from hunger..it's does it even after I just eat.. I usually get it when AF is about to come. But I've been like this for THREE WEEKS NOW)

PLEASE, share ur story..even one comment can help. .my doc says it's completely normal and a lot of women have cervical cysts and most go away in their own. he told me he can also either prescribe me birth control pills (to eliminate the cysts and regulate my cycle, or antibiotics for the cysts)

I'm TTC, so birth control pills seems so counter productive, plus I've had only bad experiences while taking them when I was younger. .

sorry to ramble on, please, please share ur taughts and opinions..thank u in advance