Terrified but Impatient

I had no idea how to title this. Anywho... for the last year and a half or so, my husband and I (26 and 24) have been talking about ttc for our #1, but I continued to tale birth control and to be conscious of being careful. Two weeks ago however, we decided to actually ttc. I've been off birth control and am weaning myself off of another medication. I want this badly - we are both more than ready financially and I have full coverage for all family members through my job, and we are buying our first home in May. So why does the thought of actually getting pregnant still terrify me? I've got baby fever like crazy, my husband wants kids so so badly, but when we go to have sex, I panic and still have him withdraw. Did anyone else have the jitters? Bah. I think I'm just venting. I also had a loss when I was 9 weeks, 5 years ago. Maybe that's got something to do with it. :/