1 hour period?

Hi, I'm not sure how to tell how many DPO I am but I do know I was supposed to start AF on the 15th. Well a week before my boobs started getting a little sore, more the nips though. So I took a test and it was Neg. well the 15th came I went to the bathroom when I got up and sure enough I was spotting light brown.... An hour later went to the bathroom and after I went #1 I wiped and it was maybe a quarter size of red blood.... Well that was it I've not bled anymore since and this past week I've been nauseated only at night right before bed... And still negative tests... Even went to the doc to get a urinalysis and it came back neg. she said to act like I'm pregnant and with in 2 weeks if I don't have a normal AF then to come back in for another test. Has anyone went through this before and it turned out in a positive pregnancy?