Ectopic Pregnancy - just found out today

Hi everyone,
I just found out I have an ectopic pregnancy this afternoon and I feel like I'm dying inside. I have been wanting a baby so badly for the last year, but my husband and I wanted to wait until after we got married to start a family. We got married this year, on 9/26/15 and I found out I was pregnant on 11/02/15. I'm about 7 weeks and 4 days pregnant right now. Tomorrow I go in for my surgery to have the baby and my left Fallopian tube removed. This is the most devastating thing I've ever had to go through. I'm trying to keep my head up and stay positive but it's really hard and I can't stop crying. I really can't wait to start a family but I'm just so scared now that this will make it a lot harder for us to do so. If any of you ladies can share your experiences with me, that would be great. 