My stove is dirty again

We moved into a brand new home in April. It is a big beautiful home that I am finding hard to clean because it is so big. This last weekend all day I was cleaning from when I woke up to when I went to sleep. At the end of the day I could barely walk from being on my feet all day. The hardest thing I find to clean is my stainless steel gas stove cooktop, and my husband is never careful when he cooks, he is very messy. You have to take it apart and then wash piece by piece individually, and then the harsest part, clean the stainless steel only in the direction of the grain to avoid scratching. Well I did all that in a little over an hour and a half. It was so clean and looked Perfect . . . Then Today my husband decides to deep fry chicken in the tiniest pot we own and there is now grease all over the stove, the granite around the stove, and my perfectly clean wood floor! I am so angry I just want to cry. I love my husband he is so amazing but I just wish he would understand to keep these things clean or be a little more careful and not make such big messes.