Please help! PILL FROM HELL & Pregnancy(???)

Full disclaimer: I haven't taken the pill for years. I hated a previous pill because it made me feel unstable. I had an IUD after that but it slipped out. I have been using he pull out method for about a year.
I started Falmina 28 (a form of the pill) because I wanted to be responsible yada yada...
I started the pill on the second day of my period and had sex a few days later (like 2 days into the pill pack and 3-4 days into my period). We didn't have backup protection and he didn't pull out when he finished. (I WASN'T AWARE😐) I know the pill isn't effective until two weeks, but OH MY GOSH! This pill is the absolute worst thing I've ever experienced! I'm moody (I cried twice today for no reason), unmotivated, extremely exhausted, have a constant headache and have been either nauseous or ravenous with no real in between. And I'm a healthy girl. I eat right and work out regularly.
So here the question:
Will taking the pill for the full pack lower my chances of being pregnant? Or can I stop this devil pill and pray that- since I WAS on my period- I'm not pregnant.
Ladies I'm scared. Please give your input.