Feeling Disconnected during 2nd pregnancy...


Idk if it's because this is my second time getting this far through a pregnancy but other than this bump, daily heartburn and the fact that my pelvis feels like it could explode with every movement...

Sometimes I don't feel as pregnant as I am. It's hard to explain. When pregnant with Logan my world revolved around being pregnant and being in love with him. I LOVED every single moment of being pregnant!

With this one, I don't feel as connected. Idk if my schedule has a lot to do with it (full time student and taking care of Logan) or if the underlying factor is that I so badly wanted a girl. Idk, the best word I can use to describe it is feeling Detached I guess. Maybe it's that I don't feel like I have a support system this time (other than my husband).

Idk but whatever it is, I don't like it. I wish I could be as consumed with this pregnancy as I was with Logan but the reality is I have responsibilities to take care of.