Vaginal soreness?

Stephanie • 23. Happily in love for the past 5 and a half years. Juliana Lizeth is our first born 🎀 expecting our 2nd June 2016 💜
I have been experiencing vaginal soreness for the past 3 days and I'm only 9 weeks. I looked it up on google and apparently it's normal, but most cases I read were women 20 weeks pregnant or more..
I feel like I've been kicked in my vagina and it's like it's bruised almost. I feel it when I've been walking around too much or when I make certain movements with my legs. I haven't been bleeding or having any abdominal cramping but it's throwing me off. It's my second pregnancy and I didn't experience this with my first. 
Is it normal for anyone in their first trimester? Or am I over thinking..? 😟