Admitted tonight..

Currently 34+1 and was admitted to my labor and delivery's antepartum unit tonight. Last week I was sent here by my OB because of contractions 3-4 minutes apart. Luckily, I was not dilated and still very thick. So I was sent home quite quickly. I had another appointment this morning and because I was complaining of painful contractions, my OB decided to check me. I was 2cm and very thin. She sent me straight to the hospital. I've taken 4 doses of Procardia to relax my very irritable uterus... And on my third bag of fluids. They've also started me on antibiotics and gave me my first of two steroid shots for baby's lungs. I'm spending the night in this lovely place, but I'm still contracting. Before I was moved to this room, they checked me again and low and behold I was now dilated to almost a 3. Since I've hit the 34 week mark, my nurse said they really don't try to stop labor from happening. I'm super nervous. I told my husband to go home and pack his bag and get a babysitter lined up for our three year old. I really have a feeling this is it. Slowly but surely. Just have that feeling. Do any of you mommas have any experience with what is going on or any insight? Would love to hear your thoughts.