Don't know what to tell him

So me and my boyfriend have a very healthy sex life. Mostly sex. I'll give him a bj or sometimes he'll go down on me. Over the past few weeks I've noticed I might have an infection or something. Maybe I wasn't being "hygienic" enough or something. But either way I'm self conscious about any different smell or taste before I get it treated or checked out. I don't know what to tell him because he tried to go down on me last night and I was too nervous to tell him why not. Should I tell him about it or just hold out and get whatever it is treated? I'm embarrassed. 
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Tell him! Its nothing to be ashamed about! A bacteria infection is nothing to hide from your SO! This is normal and so common! It'd be like trying not to get sick with a cold! We have no control over it and sometimes it just happens no matter how clean you are or how many times you clean it!!


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Check it out then tell him if something is wrong you don't want him to think you got it from some one else or anything like that