Please help ! Going to strangle hubby !!!

Chelsea • Mom to a beautiful little boy. 4.28.16 Jace Ryan 👶🏼😍 8lb 12oz 21.5 inches long Second time mom to another gorgeous boy 2.15.18 Cade Jax 9lb 2oz 21.5 inches long 👨‍👩‍👦‍👦❤️
So I understand pregnancy hormones change your feelings and emotions. But I'm about to strangle my husband !!!! We don't agree on any boy names. He doesn't like any nursery stuff I pick out. He is already saying our son can stay over night at nanas right away which I don't agree till at least 6 months. And saying how he should be able to go out if we can't find a sitter and me just stay home. Like does he not realize his life is going to change with a baby ? He's 27 ! It's time to grow up and be a daddy. I've been more than understanding with him and hate the whole JR name so I compromised and said we could use his first name as our sons middle name. But he won't compromise anything and just says it's his child too. And I need to quit trying to decide anything when in reality I can't even pick a paint color without him telling me no ? Like really ??!!! And have any of you married couples gone to a wedding or big event "single" without your significant other if you can't find a babysitter. I just find that very inappropriate and would never go anywhere like that without my partner yet he sees it as buddy time and I should be able to go out and get drunk all the time. Please help !!!! I can't take much more before I snap ! And don't even get me started on my mother in law 😡