Girls who fight

So I'm on Facebook and all of sudden I see this girl say oh heck yeah I just Beat her ass,okay for one fighting don't get you anywhere and she is pregnant okay who fights when pregnant? Do you not care about your kid enough to grow the fuck up and keep your child safe,when I was about 6 months pregnant some old friend of mine hit me so hard in my face and she busted me In my nose and I had too go to the hospital cause my nose wouldn't stop bleeding and I didn't touch her or anything all I did was grabbed her by her hair and dragged her out of my house and told her after I. Have my daughter imma smash her face in for putting my daughter in danger but after I had my daughter I didn't do anything cause it wasn't worth fighting some one stupid especially when your a mom or pregnant its so sad that people put there kids in danger just too fight..who agress?