I just recently (2 days ago) got my heart broken as my ex broke up with me because he was 'unhappy' and felt a bit 'smothered'. For the past 2 days even in work i cant stop crying. I have this feeling of being so alone now. Although we went out for only a year and a bit i still have so many memories like a holiday for example which haunts me as its all i can think of. I keep asking myself what i did wrong and thinking that im never going to be able to find anyone new. Ive always had a negative image of how i look so i was amazed he even wanted to be with me. We fought quite a bit but always made up but what hurts me most is that im only after having my 21st birthday and he has broken up with me just before christmas (which is my favourite time of year). I dont know how to deal with this and i feel so sad all the time :(