Please respond , worse overthinker here ! Like some feedback , pwease !

Must be the day / night of mucus plug topics but anyways about 2 weeks ago part of MY mucus plug came out , got checked that same night , wasn't dialated but baby was "very , very low" - I quote you not ! - last night I had the worse BH experience and only reason I say worse is because it kept me up allllllll night and I was so uncomfortable, couldn't sleep & baby kept boopin me  😩 lol . Went to the bathroom tonight and wiped again and saw part of my mucus plug come out again ! Ever since that happened I've been having lower back pain , hot flashes , headache & of course insomnia . Not bleeding tho , baby is moving , not the kind of pain where Its unbearable but currently 35 weeks + 3 . Anyone else going through this ?! 🤕