What classifies as decreased fetal movement?


I'm 27 weeks (+ few days) and feel like last week my baby's movements were constant and HARD (big kicks, etc). The past 48hrs they seem less so. I definitely still feel him throughout the day but its more gentle kicks and pokes. Should I be worried? Or not because there's def still movement.

Probably unrelated: I also haven't been feeling well - sore throat, headache, cough...

Any tips to calm the nerves appreciated.

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Doctors say not to pay attention until 28 weeks for movement. So although your close, I wouldn't worry. As long as you feel some type of movement. I'm almost 29 weeks and sometimes have her kicking my insides and it feels terrible. Other times I just feel slight movement similar to gas. I wouldn't worry. Plus I'm sure you being sick isn't helping as when you don't feel good it tends to affect the baby's movement.


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I think it changes from day to day. I'm 26 weeks and I've had the same from my boy. If you're worried call your ob, but I bet your little one is just fine. 


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The bigger the baby grows, the less room they have. I was just reading that we will feel less large and hard kicks and more pokes from elbows and feet. 


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My baby still does that. I'm almost 28 weeks. She moves like crazy for several days and then seems to just relax for a couple days before doing somersaults again. My dr said it was normal and unless I don't feel movement at all, not to be concerned. I've read it's completely normal too. 


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Just lay down, drink some water or juice and count his kicks. As soon as you get to 10 then you know you're fine. Or call you doctor, she will have her own method for counting kicks


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my baby did that this week.. im 28 weeks tomorrow and now baby is active again


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less than ten times in an hour is what is usually considered devreased fetal movement and even then its only a concern if the baby is still for more than 3 hours. hope this is helpful. but being sick can effect the baby especially if your taking meds. 


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I've been struggling with bronchitis and when it was at its worst, my little dude didn't move as much. I'm a lot better now and he's moving all the time! Also, I heard they go through growth spurts and sleep more, so less active. Ask your dr the next time you're there. As long as I feel him at some point, I'm good. Currently, little Thor is kicking EVERYWHERE. :)