My little man

🇰🇷💑🇮🇹 • 37, due 2/14/2020 with baby #4!
I thought I had posted but new mommy brain got me. Henry Mathew was born 11/18 at 7:19 am. It was a whirlwind birth. I started contractions around 4:15 that morning. Had contractions all over the place but never anything consistent. My fiancé and I decided to leave at 6 to beat traffic. We left at 6:15 and made it to the hospital around 6:50. Checked in at labor and delivery around 7:05. Was told to use the restroom and change in to my gown before we did anything. Yelled for my fiancé about a minute later because my water broke and started pushing while on the toilet. As soon as they could get me on a bed, they checked baby's heart rate and found it really low so they put a vacuum on his head and had me push. I had him out in 3 pushes. He had the cord around his neck and no crying so fiancé was unable to cut the cord. He turned out fine though. Scored an 8 on his apgar. Been keeping me busy ever since.