Home remedies? Please help

SNJ • Just to keep it blunt and not sound extremely selfish all I want to fulfill my happiness and feel important in this world is to have a baby with my fiancé, but of course I have worthless insides. :`(
Okay so back when I was 11 I had to have a root canal done on a tooth well the damn people didn't get the whole nerve and the porcelain tooth is not at all correct. There is a gap from the tooth and my gum as well as a hole in the top of it. So when I eat anything hot or cold my mouth with either feel on fire or freeze. Its painful yet tolerable however tonight is the first time I have EVER in my 20 years had a tooth ache. (I have very good teeth besides the one that I had a root canal on) I tried warm salt water, origel, ambisol, Tylenol, and percocet (I know I spelled them all wrong but idrc right now) NOTHING has helped but the percocet, any ideas of what else I can do?! Please?!