Birth story.

Kayli • I am 28. Married. And have a 6 year old, and 2 year old. Pregnant with my third.
I was due on thanksgiving, and I was told by my dr not to expect him to come by then that I'll be late and he would induce me a week after..
My last day at work was Monday the 16th so I would be able to finish everything around the house and try and rest. On Tuesday my boyfriend and I went to hang out with my dad and younger siblings and out of no where my water broke! So we rushed around to find someone to take care of the dog and grab out bags and switch cars. 
Contractions had barely started so they said they would give me Pitocin at midnight. One they did that his heart rate slowed down every contraction I had so it took them over an hour and a half longer than they said to give me the epidural. But thank god they got that! So much less pain but I still could feel enough to know what to do when to do it. 
At 4 something in the morning I started feeling pressure to push and they didn't believe me and were planning to put more fluid in my body to try and give him a cushion so his heart wouldn't drop so much and when they checked to do that found out I was at 10 and fully effaced. 
Thu made me wait until 5:30 to start pushing. 
My perfect little boy arrived at 5:58am 6.9oz and 19.1/2 in long. 
No ripping no stitches. He is the most amazing baby I've ever known. I can't believe he's mine! 
Him and his daddy!(:♥️