Woke up at 1 am with what I believed to have been a c0ntraction

Woke up at 1 am with what I believed to have been a c0ntraction. Bear in mind that this was in the middle of a bad snowstorm in the Chicagoland area. I waited up to see if it would happen again, keep I ng in mind that I was told that contractions can start days or weeks before actual labor. About 10 minutes later I felt another sharp pain and decided that this was definitely a contraction and decided to start email timing them. About 10 minutes later, another. Then another. Then I decided to take a shower and that this might be it. I had my husband start to get his stuff together so we could get going. I called the doc and he said come in. At this point it was around 330 in the morning and contractions were about 6-7 minutes apart. When we got admitted to the hospital and got a room it was 430. Nurse checked and I was at a 3. They started to prep for the epidural. About an hour later, doc came in. To check and I was at a 4. Epidural came around 6 am. Thank god. Started to push maybe around 1130 because I was at a 10 already. Talk about fast and furious. After about an hour and a half of pushing, they decided to put a pause on my epidural so I could feel where I was pushing and when to push. After about half an hour of that I could feel every c0ntraction and basically quit because of the pain. Doc asked if wanted to continue pushing with the epidural restarted or have a c-section. I opted for surgery immediately because I have known no pain so great as that of a labor contraction in full force. It makes me cry just thinking about it. Popped in to surgery and they still couldn't get the head out of the incision hole. So the doc took the spacer out and whatever other tools the use so that they could make more room. Doc went in to grab for the head again and it was the legs! Baby came out ass first!!!