Kind of confused? / expressing feelings

How do you know if you still feel the love or if it is gone. Like a test? It may sound crazy but i wonder because we have been together 5 years and sometimes when were having sex it doesnt feel like there is love behind it when hes doing it or when i do sometimes. Idk if im just emotional and irrational sometimes because he can be an asshole but what man cant right? But sometimes he says things that make me think we may be together forever but sometimes he says things that make me think he doesnt want this anymore. Or like no matter how hard i try it isnt good enough. He loves to express his feeling rudely but his get hurt when you even slightly express yours. He is 5 yrs older than me, but i feel more mature and ready for a real relationship like marriage and a family where hes still all party and all about him and im not quite sure after 5 years where to go from here? Just kind of c onfused/ ranting/ have no clue what to do.... Opinions please ladies. Have you ever been through anything similar?