He's here! 7 lbs 7oz at 39 weeks ftm

Had my bloody show yesterday. Around 6pm I started to notice a lot of blood so I went to the hospital to get checked. I was at 1cm dilated and got sent me home saying the blood wasn't a problem. I got home about 8pm last night; had dinner and started noticing contractions; thinking I was starting the beginning of labor so I googled it and was told that it could take 8-12 hrs just to go from a 1 to a 3 cm. anyways, I decided to just deal with the contractions and go in the morning if they progressed. I didn't sleep at all and by 7am I noticed the contractions back to back. Went to the hospital thinking I'd be a 2 or 3 but I was a 9.5!!!! Sent me to labor and delivery. My doctor insisted that although I was 9.5 I should get an epidural because my water hadn't broke and that it would just be better. Anyways, the epidural stopped my contractions  in their tracks. Doc wanted to add piticin to my iv but my husband and I refused so the doctor had the epidural turned off; I took a nap to wait for it to wear off; once I was able to feel the contractions again and they started back up it was time to push. Labor hurt soooo bad it glad that it's over and I have my beautiful baby boy!!!