Better than I thought!!

On Sunday Nov. 1 I woke up at 9:15 with contractions that were 6 minutes apart. I didn't think much of it so I got dressed for church like normal. It started to get more intense as it got closer for us to leave and I had to sit down. My mother in law came in the door and asked me if I was ok and I told her that I was having contractions. So she asked me if I wanted to go to the hospital and I said yes. So we head to the hospital. As we get situated in the room the nurse put me in, my contractions get worse and the nurse says she's going to check how far along in dilation I am. I was 5 cm dilated so she calls my doctor and she tells me that she was moving me to the labor and delivery room. It was 1:30 when they moved me and I was in that room for another 4 hours waiting for my doctor. When my doctor finally comes in she says she's going to break my water and boom the next thing I know my contractions feel like my butt was being pulled out of me. At about 7:30 pm when I asked to get an epidural. I couldn't handle it anymore. I was in labor for 8 hours and I had to have and oxygen mask to help me push. At 12:32 on November 2nd my beautiful daughter Genesis Celeste Mejia was born. My whole world was sitting on my chest and I just cried saying she was beautiful.