Provera/Clomid - First official step to BFP w/PCOS + Weigh In

Tiffany • 35 years old w/PCOS. Conceived a girl (born Jan. ‘17) on Clomid. Second girl born Oct. ‘20 on Fermara. Now pregnant naturally with baby #3
I had my doctors appointment on Monday.  I Stepped on the scale and there was a 3lb weight loss (now weighing 156)!  Whoooo hooo!!  Took me almost 3 weeks to drop 3 lbs.  The PCOS diet and consistent work outs and waist training are paying off.  I still need to lose 7 more to get to the weight my doctor wants me at.
As I was anticipating, my doctor gave me my two prescriptions for Provera and Clomid.  I now only have one more Provera pill to induce AF for round 1 of Clomid, cycle day 5-9.  This time my doctor prescribed me 10mg Provera twice a day for 5 days instead of just once a day for 10 days.  Twice a day for 5 days will bring on AF quicker.   
I asked my doctor what she and the fertility specialist thought my chances were of conceiving on Clomid alone, without <a href="">IUI</a> or <a href="">IVF</a>.  She said that when she talked with the fertility specialist about my chances, he said that I should be "easy" (☺️) and would probably be pregnant within 3 months or less - because I didn't have any further complications other than just the cysts on my ovaries.  Since all of my bloodwork showed no hormonal imbalances - I wasn't the typical PCOS patient - my bloodwork lab tests didn't confirm my PCOS diagnosis (cysts confirmed via ultrasound), so I guess this is why he seems to think I should be able to get pregnant "easily" on Clomid.
I really hope he is right.  FX.
I just need to stay on track with eating right, taking vitamins/supplements, and ovulation/BDing.
I think I will be requesting a progesterone test for mid cycle - to confirm if the Clomid was successful or not.  But I am also wondering if I should bother?  If I don't get pregnant, in the first round, they want to double the Clomid mg; I however would like to avoid doubling.  If I can confirm that 50mg made me successfully ovulate, maybe it will help me convince them (if I don't get a BFP round 1) to let me try 50mg again for a round 2.  What do you ladies think?
I am also wondering if getting a follicle scan would be worth it?  I don't have real bad PCOS to the point that I have cysts burst and have painful twinges and the like.  However, I do worry about possible overgrowth of follicles, risking multiples.  When I told my doctor about these concerns, she said that she would talk with the specialist about it - but did inform me that multiples is a risk that you do take with Clomid since it stimulates the ovaries and can cause "overproduction". So I'm not sure about getting this scan either..?
Either way, I am super anxious for AF to get here so I can get to cycle day 5 - first day of Clomid!