Should I choose Career or Love?

Anäis • just a young Sagittarius woman enjoying this great big world.
I am 23 years young and I am newly married to my best friend of 5 years. 
Right now, Kevin lives in New Jersey and makes a good living for himself in the Air Force.
I live in Virgina (5 hours apart) and I have the opportunity to make a $20,000 bonus. The downside would be living apart from my husband for a year. 
 My husband wants me to leave my job and come to jersey. He promises to take care of me and that I don't even have to work. He also knows that (in all honesty) I don't like my job and I get very stressed from it. He is also concerned that he could deploy in another year and that we never really get "husband and wife" time together. 
What should I do?! I've always been independent and I've never ever seen myself relying on a man to take care of me. Am I being selfish for wanting to pick the money and then moving with him in a year? Will he resent me for this? I'm just trying to set us up for success but idk what's more important at the moment.... Help!