My babygirl was born November 23, 2015

Johanna • Mommy to a prince and a princess 💜 && a wife to be 💍
My babygirl was born November 23, 2015. At 10:02 am. She is a very healthy baby. Weighing at 7 pounds 10 ounces. And she is 19.75 inches long. I was 10 days over my due date. Came in because I had some leaking. So they induced me right away. Did about 5 big pushes and she was not coming out because her umbilical cord was wrapped around her neck. So they had to do an emergency c section, which was my first one. Now she's healthy as can be and I'm recovering! God is good! My daughter is beautiful as ever! And my my son is as handsome as can be and just loves his little sister! Little miss honor marie 💜💜