My birth story was very interesting

Emily • 28yo had a princess in 2013, expecting my lil prince Nov '15
My birth story was very interesting! I went in at 41 weeks because my little boy did not want to come out on his own and got induced. Everything was progressing just as it should until I got to 6 cm, when they checked me they noticed that they could not feel his head anymore! When the did an ultrasound we realized he had turned transverse! They gave me two options (he measured big my whole pregnancy) the first was maneuver him while in my belly still to get him back head down and try to keep the labor going, taking a chance of it happening again if my waters were to break that would put me in an emergency csection situation or just go ahead with a calmer less urgent csection. Knowing how big he was my mommy instincts from him turning just showed me that it was a sign. I didn't want to chance him becoming stuck! So we were all ready to go in the OR and they said he flipped back head down! Asked what I wanted lol I said let's continue with what we're doing. No less then 10 minutes later they said "oh boy you're not a baby you're a toddler!!" 😂😂😂 10 lbs 5 oz / 22 1/2 inches long!!!!!!!!! 15 inch head circumference too! There is absolutely no way he was going to engage into my pelvis, he was just too big! But it the less stressful situation and holding him is all that matters now ❤️😍❤️😍❤️😍