
After taking 150mg of Clomid for the first time, a week later I starting taking ovulating tests. I tested High surges everyday for about 2 weeks, home inseminated x4 times. Went in to have an u/s done and got the news that I have a 5cm cyst on my uterus and will not do <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a> this month and will not do Clomid next month. 
The follow day, I started spotting then lightly bleeding as if it was my period. (Day22 of cycle) 
Today took a pregnancy test, just because and Negative right off the bat. & now nauseated and flashy. 
Why none of this makes any sense to me? 
Feeling gloomy and a bit discouraged. 
Any explanation......