Dear mil and husband

I just need to rant until my husband gets home and i can actually get it out. I can't fucking stand my mother in law. Everyime i try to talk to my husband she has to talk over me. If i get a compliment she has to say something to one up me. She stays at my house for a week and trys to invite people you say its a work night for us no she says so. Then she acts like im a bitch for not wanting her in my house. Im so tired of coming last in my husband's eyes i can try to talk to him about something important or not and if anyone else even coughs he forgets completely about me and starts talking to them. I was always taught to wait until others are done speaking because its respectful. We have fought about this so many times and im so tired of empty promises "ill tell them to hold on and finish our conversation" it never happens. Until he can learn to respect that im going into acquaintance mode no more husband and wife. If i can't be treated like im important i won't be doing all the extra shit i do for him.