Is it me or him?

I was wondering if anyone else experienced this/has advice?
I've been with my boyfriend a couple of months- at first the sex was great, we saw each other every couple of weeks (different towns) so we would be at it more or less all the time during our limited time together. 
The situations still the same- long distance, meeting every few weeks, but now I've noticed that he would rather just cuddle- lay in bed and relax, which is fine to an extent! But I feel stupid- it's always me making the first move, trying to initiate sex. And more recently he has said to me 'oh why can't we just cuddle' I mean am I that repulsive? What's changed? Most guys would be thrilled of their girlfriend wanted sex so often?
I don't know what it is- could it be that he has low libido (he has low iron/ energy levels) or is it that he's just gone off me? I really don't know and it's totally destroying any self esteem!