Body pain

Sara • Mommy to be 🖤🤰

For 2 weeks my back has been really bothering me. At one point my left knee was hurting whenever I would crouch down. Then it went away after a few days. Then, it was my right knee. It would throb and hurt when I put weight on it. It has since gone away. Last week I was having pains in my chest. Some times it would hurt to take a deep breath in. The past 2 weeks out of no where I've felt sick. And a few times after eating, I start to gag until it either passes or I actually vomit what I ate.

I have made an appointment with my doctor, but she can't see me till the 2nd week of Dec.

My period is in 4 days and I've had slight craps and have been very emotional.

I've also have been very stressed between my relationship, holidays, money, work and life in general.

Has anyone gone through something similar??