My birth story..

It was exactly one day before my due date & I woke up FED UP with being pregnant. So me, my toddler, & boyfriend went on a nice long walk on the trails by our house & then we tried sex.. lol. I wasn't feeling any contractions at that point so I was like "whatever i just have to accept the fact that she will come when she's ready!" But then at around 6-7 p.m I was cleaning & doing stuff around the house & was having irregular contractions that were not painful at all just really tight, but for some reason I was like I think I should go get checked at the hospital just in case, thinking she wasn't gonna come that night. When I got to the hospital I was 5 1/2 cm 80% effaced & the doctor said she's ready & he was gonna get my labor sped up. They took me to l&d, broke my water, then I had painful contractions so I got an epidural, about an hour later I was ready to push, then after 20 mins of pushing my baby girl Dallas Nicole was born on her due date, 6 pounds 15 oz. 💗🎀I'm so thankful my labor went so fast & easy, always trust your gut ladies!