9DPO ! Anyone with me ?

Shami • Rainbow baby
9DPO symptoms so far. from 2DPO-9DPO : Hot flashes. extreme acne. hungry all the time feels like every 2 3 hours im hungry like i havent eaten all day!. moody husband thinks I'm crazy lmaoooo. headaches . sharp stabbing pains in my right and left abdomen. sharp pains in my right ovary. they come and go. very bloated ! on and off at 6DPO i tasted a metallic taste in my mouth . 7DPO gums bleed. 6DPO woke up with sore throat . and havent had sore boobs like i usually do a week before AF ! this odd so idk i been feeling a little out this month on and off but we will see testing around dec 5th praying for a missed period. also been having strange vivid dreams for about 5days now so yea Thats pretty much it for now