Pulling hair out!

Leisa-Marie • Wig wearing, fun loving, 25yr old. :)
I've got the implant in for the 2nd time, first time I had no trouble, this time it all started off well, but recently say maybe about 5 months ago, I started getting periods again. (I've had implant in for a year and a bit) only thing is, they're super heavy (unusual for me) and, I'm constantly cramping up etc, sometimes the periods don't even last a day, sometimes they can go for longer than a week. One thing I've noticed is, anytime I get my period now, I've started pulling hair out my wigs, I never used to pull hair out before (when I had hair/started wearing wigs) but for some reason it seems to take my mind off some of the pain I'm going through with these periods. Has anyone ever had this happen? I'm looking for some help as I can't get to my doctor until the end of the week.