

Can anyone out there tell me how you deal with migraines during pregnancy?

I'm not talking about really bad headaches, but true migraines! I'm not pregnant yet, but I get massive migraines and my treatments won't be safe once I'm pregnant. I get nausea and vomiting, it's about the only time I ever vomit. I get the wavy lines in my vision, become uncoordinated, get light and sound sensitivity, even smells will start to bother me. I can't even drive myself home from work if one hits cuz I drive like a drunk.

Imitrex doesn't work. Unfortunately of the 6+ triptans I've tried, only Relpax works, and only if I take 2 pills, which costs me $80 per migraine. Then if that doesn't work, I have to get an iv treatment that is a cocktail of anti-anxiety meds, seizure meds, and other stuff that is toxic to baby.

What do I do? I've tried ice, warm baths, essential oils, Tylenol and a coffee, massage. I feel like I'm running out of options. I've even had to quit the preventive medication I'm on, because then I could avoid having withdrawls while pregnant.