Dropped those 2015 Christmas Tree Pics!

Yaritzel • every ғaмιly нaѕ a ѕтory тell...ωelcoмe тσ Oᑌᖇᔕ. ❤👨‍👩‍👧‍👦.
Our Christmas Tree decorations is as usual hand made decorated by my mom and some help from my husband. The Christmas Tree has 2,500 lights and over 50 hand made bows. Every year my mom adds something different and changes the ribbon and the style on the tree. I can't be enough thankful for having my mom alive and with such talent. I can say that I feel like a billionaire having one of the things that I love the most next to me. For me my tree is the most beautiful tree. No one can decorated a tree or anything like my mom.!. Well Happy Holidays and I hope
You guys love my tree the way I love it!.❤️