2nd time this month?!?

Victoria • Ttc #1 27 yo married with 2 "bonus" - daughters peace love happiness
I've been on 750 mg of MetFormin for a month now. I bled literally the entire month of October and stopped days before I started my Px. I started my period on the 11th and it lasted 11 days, so around 3-4 days shorter than average. I've been tracking my cm and when I thought I was ovulating based on that, we had sex 3 days in a row, and have had sex every other day since. 2 days ago I had about a tablespoon on suuuuper dark brownish blood I just assumed was old blood since that was it for the entire day and the next. Well just now when I went to the restroom, I wiped and bright red blood was present in the paper and in the bowl. Has anyone had this happen before? I cramped a teeeny tiny bit earlier but not enough to make me think anything about it since my PCOS makes my cramps almost unbearable. Ideas??? I REALLLLLLLY hope I don't have to go buy more tampons today because it's my period again for the second time this month.