
Marissa • 33 year old kindergarten teacher TTC baby #2. I am happily married since July 2014. I reside in Ashburn, VA with my husband and daughter born 9-7-16
Hi! I am Marissa. I've been married since July 2014 and my husband and I have been TTC since late June 2015.
This month marks the 5th failed attempt. We are both healthy (we did sperm and egg quality testing) and under 35. I heard it can take a year. I hate waiting. It's so frustrating. It's even more frustrating to be told
To relax and not stress about it. Is anyone else feeling this way?
How long have you been trying?
I have been looking for a community I can get support from...looking for women having the same experience.
For those of you who did conceive how long did it take?
Anyone have some good fertility tips or stress management tips? My latest thing is cutting booze from my diet and cutting my caffeine intake to under 200 mg (that was difficult I used to be addicted to caffeine).