Fainted, fell, busted my face. Still excited! Lol

Just 2 weeks ago, I had just gotten up from a full nights sleep. I got up, walked to the bathroom, as soon as I stood in front of the sink I had to put my face in my hands because everything started to go black. The next thing I remember is my fiancée picking me up and sitting me on the toilet. I look in the mirror and my face is gushing w blood with a huge black and blue lip. Apparently I fainted and my face hit the door. We immediately went to the ER because I had a deep cut next to my nose. At the hospital, they "couldn't" perform an ultrasound to make sure that the baby was ok so we headed to my OB as soon as I got discharged from the ER. Thankfully my baby was okay and wasnt affected at all. I had to miss work and spend a whole weekend w a swollen face, swollen black and blue lips and bandages on my cut. Oh and I also have a fracture under my eye. The doctor said I was lucky that it didn't affect my Orbital area or else my eye sight would be affected. I now still have pain where the fracture is, half of my face is still a bit swollen because of the fracture. My cut is slowly healing and will definitely leave a scar but my face still hurts every day. Also, my lip motion is altered and it's hard to even suck on a straw. 😣 you can't immediately tell by looking at me but I feel the changes and the pain. I was very scared at the moment, but I t's okay, I won't be mad at my baby for making my blood pressure get so low that I fainted and busted my face. 😅 lol. 
So remember ladies, it's very important to stay hydrated, get rest and when you get up in the morning, take 5 minutes sat up on your bed BEFORE you get out of bed. This will help your blood flow back up to your brain before you make any sudden movements.