Confusion and sadness

Hello ladies,
I miscarried our little one at 6 weeks on September 27th. It was a complete and natural miscarriage. The bleeding stopped entirely on October 12th, blood work came back that day with HCG at 3. I had a regular AF right on time November 4th. I've always had a 25 day cycle, three days of bleeding, very few cramps. I had the go ahead from my doctor to begin trying. She suggested trying OPK's for my fertile week. On November 16th we got the positive. We BD all the time; it's rare to have a day in between. On November 13th-15th was regular once a day. 16th and 17th was twice per day. I don't chart, I don't pay attention to temps. When it happens, it happens. On November 24th I had a very strange twinge around 11am from my left side. It was the exact same situation during my last pregnancy. I tested two days after my period should have started in September and had our BFP. Exhaustion set in September 25th. No sex drive AT ALL. Similar to my first pregnancy. Boobs incredibly tingly. Not sore, just strange. Thought this may be a positive. Tested on the 26th- nothing. We knew AF was due on the 29th( today) I was crazy emotional on Thursday the 26th. I do not cry often and the entire day I was weepy. My cat fell down two stairs- slipped on his butt actually- and I cried so hard my husband came upstairs to check on me. Very strange. On November 27th, I woke up to very warm abdomin. And what appeared to be my period. Obviously I was upset by figured oh well! Well try again. The bleeding was HEAVY with a few small clots. I didn't have my normal period cramps or acne. I bled yesterday but nothing heavy, just red sometimes cloth blood. Today- nothing but a few spots. I have been regular my entire life. I have never been early or late, with the exception of my first pregnancy. This period is very strange. It lasted two days, and now it's gone. I should have started today but nothing. My doctor wants me to test Tuesday morning and go in for bloodwork as it may be a breakthrough like bleeding. She explained that my HCG may not be high enough yet for hpt if implantation was around the 24th. I'm confused and a little sad. I'm not sad that this may not be our month- I am just generally sad. I've never heard of being pregnant and having a pseudo period. Has anyone had a similar experience? Are there any success stories? Thank you guys for taking the time to read! I lost my mom when I was 10 and TTc without her advice a can be daunting.