Whats wrong with me!!!


Hi I'm Ngoi im 21 I'm TTC #1 baby. Trying for six months now, I don't know if it me, my partner or just unluckiness why we haven't got good news..

I was wanting to share and hopefully get some help understanding or even if someone else has similar problems to mine.

This issue is a hard one, I thought they were symptoms but now unsure? Never had this happen before so its not normal for me.

I'm not sure if my body is weird or im going crazy over thinking things. I started my period on the 14th November. This period was different to my usual periods. Usually I get cramps a day or two before but this time no cramps. When I got my period (14th) it was brownish, light pinkish and light bleeding. I would wake up and have momentary pains that would come only once through out the day for like 30-40 seconds, very uncomfortable and bit sore. This occurred for three days, waking up in bed have pain then it would go away and the rest of the day fine. I started 14th November it went for two days (14th-15th) then stopped on the 16th with little spotting then started again on the 17th November for another two days till 18th.. On the 17th I got the same pain as the pain I got in mornings but this time I got it that afternoon. I thought this was not normal as I have never had a period stop and start again, especially with no cramps through out the whole cycle. I don't know what this means? Prior to my period my appetite slowly increased, as well as during and after my period my appetite had increased a lot. I felt bloated, and heavy, I thought it could just be me needing to go toilet but i would go and my stomach would still feel full and/or heavy. I felt tired & I had been feeling a weird aching but not sore tingly type feeling in my tummy before during and well after my period. I didn't understand that either? It wouldn't growl just weird stomach feels? I also had been experiencing this weird taste in the back of my throat well before my period, maybe a week before it began, and well after up until today, where I haven't really noticed it at all except for a slight bit (today 29th November) so I also don't know why I been experiencing that too.. About 6 days ago I started noticing my nipples became very very sore and sensitive for 6 days straight, with tingling on and off in the nipple, my right has been far more sensitive then the right, starting off with the right being sore till now the right sore more, but my nipples aren't as sensitive as yesterday and the days before. What I did notice is that once my nipples started hurting my stomach feeling went away and my stomach went back to normal. I been getting right pelvic stabbing feeling now and then too, headaches, constipation diahhria.. I have no idea what is wrong with me :'( I done a pregnancy test thinking it could be that but it came back negative, so I don't know why or what all this means but please if anybody has any comments please help ease my mind a little.

Hopefully someone out there can please help me out!