Mucus plug broke 6pm on Wednesday 11/25/15 & contractions started


Mucus plug broke 6pm on Wednesday 11/25/15 & contractions started. By 11:30 they were every 3 minutes lasting for s minute. Called dr who told us to go to er. Got there @ midnight & they rushed me up to l&d to prep for c section. My water broke as soon as I got in the room & knocked my underwear to my ankles! Nurse checked me & I was 6cm & in a lot of pain. They called my dr & 15 minutes later I was complete! No time for any meds baby's head was in birth canal. I was coached through a natural vbac & maxwell Lloyd was born @ 1:19am on 11/26/15 he weighed 5lb 8oz & 18 1/2". I tore internally & externally & had to be stiched 4 separate times. Then I developed clots because I couldn't stop bleeding & they had to be removed manually!!! Finally went to recovery room @ 7 that night. Discharged 5pm on Friday 11/27/15
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Posted at
Sounds like you been thru it all this week, thank God that you and your son are doing great especially after that vbac I'm pretty sure that was no joke. Congratulations to you as well hun.


Shaney • Jan 27, 2016
You are very welcome sweetie!!!!


Michele • Jan 25, 2016
Thanks shaney


Posted at
Knocked your panties to your ankles! Man that's funny to imagine!


Posted at
Thanksgiving baby yayyy


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Congrats. Mommy 💕 💕 💕 💕 💕 💕 goodbless for you.. 😊 🎈 🎈 🎈 🍼 🍼 🍼 🍼 🍼