Miscarriage after abortion

I just started crying at work because I am having a really bad day with both guilt and grief so please take it easy. I had an abortion on 5/21/14 and then just recently had a miscarriage on 11/1/15. I've read some conflicting views about whether abortion causes future pregnancy losses and/or complications. It's hard to know what sources to believe with all the bias and controversy. Anyway my question kind of is has anyone had an abortion and then later had a miscarriage on here? I feel like I am being punished and like I don't deserve a baby after what I did. My mom pressured me into the abortion and I was only 19. I know that is not an excuse, but I do regret it more than anything. I just want to be a mother so badly. My husband and I have been trying for a few months before the miscarriage and when we experienced it it was heartbreaking because we were mourning the loss of 2 children because we didn't really feel appropriate mourning after the abortion. Anyone else? Anyone who would be willing to share your experience with me on here because I just feel so upset and alone.