Frustration with Doctor?

Ok here's my I just being emotional and pregnant, or do I have a legitimate reason to be upset. 
I was 37 weeks on Black Friday. However at my 34 week appointment I was measuring 3 weeks early. So at my 36 week appointment my doc ordered an ultrasound and it confirmed I was measuring at 39w 4d. I asked to be induced then as I have been off work due to pelvic exam and hip pain and have been in physical therapy 2 times a week since week 30. I have had some extreme swelling too and have been putting since 32 weeks. I was immediately shot down, they wouldn't even talk with me about it. 
Then on thanksgiving I had contractions starting at 7 apart and by the time j called the doctor 2 hours later I was 3-4 minutes and they told me to come in to the hospital to be checked. I was only dilated to 1 and they sent me home because technically I was only 37 weeks. Now I did not dilate with my 1st either, they had to stretch me in the hospital because my labor was so intense they knew it was time. I have no reason to believe this time will be different, I have been in pretty steady labor since Thursday night but if I go in and I'm not dilated they won't help me along because of a stupid date given to me at the beginning of the pregnancy. I have been telling them since day one I was further along. I am worried that they will make me wait too long and My son will have some of the complications that my first child did in that he was kept so long he had a bowel movement in uterine and was born with pneumonia causing a week long hospital stay. Also with the problem with my hips, if he gets too big I don't know that I will be able to have him naturally and I am 100% against c-section for me. I am petrified of surgery. What do I do?