PLEASE HELP! 8 days of positive OPK results?

Alicia • Don't be rude.
Hi - never posted before, but I need some guidance here and other forums are too intense for me.
Glow said my fertile window began on the 20th (9th day of cycle). Had sex with my partner on the 21st (10th day of cycle). Next day I felt immediately ... Weird. 
I started taking ovulation tests on the 23rd (12th day of cycle), usually glow is right on for my fertility estimations. So I expected to show a positive result that day and the next, and then I usually take tests until it no longer shows a positive result.
Well it is now 8 tests later and there is no sign of stopping! The second line is still as dark as the control, if not darker.
Other stuff - my breasts have been heavy-feeling and sore since the 25th (14th day of cycle) with extra tenderness around the nipple area. This has not let up either. Yesterday I noticed that my hip joints were feeling extra "stretchy" but with almost a straining-feeling? I definitely recognized that feeling right away from being pregnant with my first 4 years ago.
It would be too soon to take a pregnancy test, I'm not due to have my period until the 10th (my cycle is 29 days), I'm going nuts!
I have read on other forums that some women who experienced so many positive ovulation test results ended up being pregnant, but I want to know if anyone has been through similar circumstances and ended up NOT being pregnant. If they just had a super productive ovulation period or something? 
I had a very normal period beginning on the 12th, and I typically have had very regular cycles since I had my IUD removed 4 months ago. I don't think I am a typical candidate for PCOS, but if anybody knows what that's like and if it presented in this way, you should let me know that as well.
Please help! What's happening? I am hesitant to assume I'm pregnant because I've faked myself out before and been totally heartbroken. 
I know everyone says- you know your body best, if you feel you are, you probably are! But I am so hopeful to have another baby, I could definitely see how I could just fill in the blanks because I want one outcome over another.