Is a sudden bp spike and/or being extra winded an early sign?

Im 37w5d, and before preg I've always had low bp (70s/50s). Only had high bp during pregnancy. Last wk I was 116/67 which was around what I've been this whole pregnancy. Nothing concerning. Today I'm 135/75 at my NST. I've also been extremely winded in the last week esp last 3 days. Slightest effort (rolling over or walking 50' from house to car) causes me to pant and breathe heavily for a long while. Like I sprinted a mile. It's been 16y since I had my last baby but I seem to remember with her and older brother I was same way the wk before I delivered, esp the winded part. 
Is there any correlation with being extra winded (and/or sudden rise in bp) just prior to the onset of labor? Could be just coincidental or a fuzzy memory.