This TWW is pure torture!

🌈Katherine🌈 • 👶🏼 9.21.2016. 👼🏻 8.21.2015.
I am 9 dpo, but I want to wait until my AF is due on the 5th to test. I'm experiencing new symptoms this whole week (nausea, craving sweets, heavier breasts, nipples getting bigger, fatigue, constipation, mood swings, headaches, to name a few.) and it's really hard to not get my hopes up in case it's PMS, which I never had until after my first miscarriage 3 months ago. At this point I don't really care if it's a BFP or not. I just want to get it over with.
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I'm having the exact same symptoms! AF is due tomorrow or Wednesday. Tested today after I woke up so nauseous, but got a negative. Hoping it's a false negative and I get a BFP later this week! Good luck to you!!